Getting to know... D3
Today I was looking into ObservableHQ and their Quickstart page had many suggested resources. The second of these resources was titled "Learn D3." Since it's been several years since I've worked with D3, I felt it would be appropriate to go through it. In addition, at the time I thought the resource would lean heavily towards learning D3 within the context of an Observable notebook. Instead, the series was dominantly a comprehensive introduction on D3, delivered via a series of Observables, and occasionally touched on some of the benefits of using an Observable notebook. In hindsight, I should have expected the relationship between an Observable notebook and D3 to be more like that between a Jupyter notebook and a Python module: learning to use the features of Jupyter and learning to use a particular Python module are mutually exclusive activities. In any case, below you'll find my notes to each of the sections in the Observable series "Learn D3" by