
Showing posts from August, 2020

Observable HQ: dropdown input, d3 transition, and viewof

Over the past few days, I wanted to isolate my understanding of the relationship between the selection made in a dropdown form input and other cells which depend on that selection. This exploration started with drawing a rectangle and using code from example notebooks with dropdown selections to cause a transition in the chart to occur (see Arc Diagram ). One added complexity with Mike Bostock's Arc Diagram notebook is a timeout that's added which will automatically trigger a change in the dropdown selection. Originally this code block had a bug which caused me some confusion, but it has been a valuable learning experience: Mike Bostock commented on the bug and fixed the bug, so I was able to update my notebook accordingly. In any case, contained in the notebook are three charts and each chart behaves different based on whether I refer to the dropdown form object by `myNumber` or `viewof myNumber.value` as well as where I make such references. In the first chart, I referenc